Monday, January 4, 2016

A New Year, New Rules

I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. The road to hell, good intentions, blah, blah, blah. But after a tough 2015, I'm determined to make 2016 rock ALL THE SOCKS.

I'm not talking about losing weight or eating healthier. Don't get me wrong, those things are awesome, and sure, they make a difference in your life. But my goals are a little simpler than that. I mean, they say start out small, right?

So for 2016, I've really got two goals. New rules, if you will.

1.  Connect more with other people.
This is the thing I'm most guilty of. I've always been a loner. Super shy in most social situations, and instead of trying to join in, I tend to hover on the fringe, away from all the action. I'm socially awkward and afraid of opening my mouth in fear that something monumentally stupid will fall out. I'm quirky and strange and sometimes suffer from trucker mouth. But you know what? Who gives a crap? All the most interesting people are generally strange/insecure/colorful/shy/ect. We need to be sticking together. We need to be less afraid of what people think about us and more concerned with being who we really are. I'm determined to get out there more this year. To force myself out of my comfort zone and into the world. I spent most of last year in a bubble. This year I'm returning to the land of the living!

2.   Appreciate everything.

There's nothing like a good scare to make you appreciate the world around you. To make you really open your eyes and take a good, long look at all the things you were probably seeing right through before. Time with friends and family, doing what you love, those small moments that make us laugh--every minute is precious. If last year taught me anything, its that even the smallest moments in our daily life, the tiny things we often take for granted (everything from being able to get up in the morning to make yourself coffee, to being around for those life changing milestones) should be approached with a sense of appreciation and thankfulness.

So what about you guys? Any special plans for 2016? Maybe something in particular you're looking forward to?


  1. I feel like we could be twinsies after reading No 1.
    I don't really make resolutions. My goal is just to end my year in a better place than it began.

  2. Great blog, Jus. I'm with you on number one :)
