Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Spotlight On... D. R. Rosensteel

Today we're shining the spotlight on D. R. Rosensteel, author of the Psi Another Day!

D. R. Rosensteel is a research consultant who had no intention of writing anything but technical papers describing his theories of metaphysical psychometry. But when a hoodied teen showed him a device that turned her thoughts into weapons, and told him about a secret society of protectors who trained her in their underground Academy, he knew her story had to be written.
Rosensteel has put his research on hold to document the adventures of a girl whose face he's never seen and whose real name he'll never know.

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Get To Know D.R...

If you could sing one song on The Voice, (or X-Factor or American Idol), what would it be and why?
The theme song to the 1960s Batman TV series. Why? Because I memorized the lyrics.

You're on a deserted island and uncover an ancient looking box. When you open it, a genie appears and tells you to make one wish. You can wish for anything--except more wishes or a way off the island. What do you ask for?
The talent to write a series that goes viral and becomes an international bestseller. Or else cake. I like cake.

Most embarrassing teen moment- that you're willing to admit publicly?
Hmm, there are so many to choose from, but since you threw in the part about admit publicly...that narrows it down to a manageable few. Okay, I liked this one girl named Miroya, and to impress her with my incredible talent, I caught a fly in midflight (teenage boys have a very misguided sense of what is impressive) and gave it to her. She threw up. Needless to say, I took somebody else to the prom.

If you were to trade places with someone in a young adult novel, who would it be and why?
Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. First, I love the way she sees the world. Second, she can beat up boys. Third, since my main characters are female, if I were Scout, nobody would wonder why a grown man writes in a teenage girl's voice.

What's your go to writing snack? chocolate, potato chips, whiskey?   
Licorice, but I'm intrigued by the combination of chocolate, potato chips, and whiskey. Might have to try it!

By day, I'm just another high school girl who likes lip gloss. But by night I'm a Psi Fighter—a secret guardian with a decade of training in the Mental Arts. And I'm about to test those skills in my first battle against evil.
When I was six, the Walpurgis Knights, our deadliest enemy, murdered my parents. The Psi Fighters put me into hiding, and all traces of my existence evaporated. Then I went through the most accelerated Psi Fighter training possible. And now I go to your school.
Unfortunately, so do the bad guys. My parents' killer has sent his apprentice to infiltrate the school to find me. And everyone is a potential suspect, even irresistible new kid, Egon, and my old nemesis-turned-nice-guy, Mason. Fingers crossed I find the Knight before he finds me…

Check out Psi Another Day here!

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