Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Morning Or Night…..

What’s your preference?

I’m an absolute morning person. I get up early (usually by 5.45 – but I’ve been awake longer) and I’m bright and cheerful and drive all my night time (don’t talk to me until at least 10am) friends crazy.
And it dawned on me the other day, while talking to someone on the other side of the world who was working through the night, that I’ve never pulled an all nighter (not counting partying, obviously).
Even when studying for exams at Uni, I would get up and start at 7am, work through until 7pm (with lots of breaks) and then relax. Whereas, some of my friends wouldn’t get up and start work until 2pm and work until 2 the following morning. Arrggh, the thought of it sends shivers up and down my spine.
I guess it helps that I don’t need a lot of sleep. I probably average about 5 hours a night (unfortunately not all in one go, as I never sleep right through).

So, what about you – what’s your best time of day?

PS The jelly beans are here because they look so pretty!!!

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