Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How Was It For You?

Something that really fascinates me is how I can read the same book or see the same movie as someone else and have a totally different reaction.
And this reaction can be extreme, to say the least. And I don’t just mean the difference between guys and girls. I understand perfectly that a romantic comedy or romance might not be so enjoyable to guys. But between girls. And girls who are my friends.
So, it got me thinking. What is it about a book that makes me love it? That makes me want to pick it up every hour of the day, at the expense of everything else – much to the annoyance of my family.
Is it just the characters? I don’t think so. As much as I relate to characters, clearly, otherwise there would be no incentive to see what happens to them, it’s plot. I love action. I like my books fast paced, with elements that keep me guessing, and lots of different things happening. And I hate description. I always flick past those pages. In fact if there’s too much won’t continue reading.
Movies, it’s more balanced. I have to love the characters, but I still want the action. If I take my favourite movie ‘Love Actually’. Definitely character driven, but so much more. There’s always something happening. And they cut away from the action just at the right time, so I’m left wondering for a while what’s going to happen next. And, of course, let’s not forget the emotional pull of a movie like this. The characters make you laugh, cry, angry, frustrated…..

How about you. What is it about a book/movie that gets you hooked?

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