Monday, November 30, 2015

An introduction shamelessly done in GIFs

So this is the part where I walk out, look around nervously, and introduce myself...


Hi, my name is Jus and I'm a Young Adult author. That is, an author who writes young adult. Not an author who is a young adult. But, seriously, how freaking cool would that be? If I could turn back time...

Anywayz, hi! Myself, along with an awesome group of YA authors have decided to make this a home away from home. A place where we can just be our awesome/weird/fun/crazy selves.

I'm the kind of girl who can't function without coffee...

Let's her Akita run her life...

Loves World of Warcraft (and is very impatiently waiting for the Legion Expansion)...

Has a soft spot for goats...

Is just a little bit clumsy...

And of course, LOVES books...

I look forward to getting to know you all!

 Be sure to check out our blog launch giveaway for a chance to win a ton of awesome books!

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