Monday, December 28, 2015

The Musical Maps Inside My Head

Confession time. I’m a music junkie. 

Okay. So that's not much as far as actual confessions go. Expecting something juicy? Unless you count the secret fact that I trip over my own two feet on an almost daily basis, I've got nothing.

But music? Any and all types—I can’t get enough. I used to write songs for a local band, have a fully loaded Zune (yes, some people actually still use those ;) ) that goes everywhere with me (until it goes splat. Again), and over 300 different playlists for every mood/occasion/situation you can possibly think of.

I can look back to almost every major life event and tie it to a specific song or album. I can be standing in line at the food store, or driving down the road, and think, huh…this is totally a <insert appropriate song here> moment. 

For example, when I think of my husband, the song Forever by Kiss comes to mind. We were in the car with some friends and it came on the radio and in that moment, I just knew I'd found my forever. Now, whenever I hear it, I'm transported back to that moment. I can smell the coffee and cigarettes in the air. I can feel the October chill on my skin. Music allows us to time travel. Backwards. Forwards. Side to side. It lets us dig deep.

The same goes for my characters. Some writers pen intricate back stories full of dates and places for each of their characters—mine are all musical. A lyrical map of their past, present, and future. The words aren’t always perfect—that’s not going to happen unless you write the thing yourself—but the feeling is there. Maybe it’s the beat of the music, or the chorus. Sometimes its nothing more than a single line. No matter what it is, all the songs on my playlists inspire a specific feeling. When working, they bring me to a place where I can see the scene unfolding. It plays out like a movie in my brain.

Your turn. Share a song that takes you somewhere. Maybe one that digs up a memory or just makes you smile!


  1. Yes! I can completely relate to this. My life has a soundtrack, and I cannot write a book without a playlist. I'm listening to a lot of '70s music for my current WIP about a disco-loving girl. September by Earth, Wind, and Fire is one of my favorites because of memories of dancing and Red Rocks concerts, and now my heroine likes it, too :)

    1. I love it when we're able to infuse stories with our favorite things ;)
